
9. Menu Options
9.1. X-over Sub-Menu
Press 'MENU' and select X-over Sub-menu using the ‘BACK’, ‘NEXT’ and
'ENTER' keys. Four options are available in this sub-menu which are:
Load a Xover : Loads a stored crossover. This includes factory preset files.
Updates can be obtained from your distributor or from the Tannoy website,
Design a Xover: Opens a wizard to design a crossover. Options include format
type, ganging of outputs, routing and automatic limiter time constants.
Store a Xover: Stores a X-over (all output settings) to one of 19 user memories.
Crossovers can be named with a user defined name of up to 16 characters which
will be displayed on the default screen. To do this, select the memory number by
using the ‘FREQ’ and ‘ENTER’ keys, and enter the name by using the ‘FREQ’ to
select a character and the ‘BACK’ and ‘NEXT’ keys to move to scroll between the
characters. Press ‘ENTER’ to confirm the X-over name.
Erase a Xover Mem: Erases a selected X-Over from memory.
9.2. Input Set-up Sub-Menu
Press MENU' and select ‘Input’ Sub-menu using the ‘BACK’ and ‘NEXT’ keys.
Press ‘ENTER’ to confirm. There is only ‘Gang Inputs’ in this menu. This gangs A
and B inputs so that precise adjustments can be made to both inputs
9.3. Security Sub-Menu
Press 'MENU' and select Security Sub-menu using the ‘BACK’, ‘NEXT’ and
'ENTER' keys. Press 'ENTER' to load one of the four selections. (See below) A
four-digit security code will then be asked for. This can be entered by using the
‘FREQ’ control, to select a character, and the ‘BACK’ and ‘NEXT’ keys to move to
the next character. Additionally, the ‘GAIN’ keys can be used to enter a code by
pressing any combination of the eight buttons. Each ‘GAIN’ key represents its
channel labelling, so any combination of A, B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 can be used as a
code. The is entered twice, for confirmation.
Lock options:
User Specific: This option locks parameters specified by the user, including gains,
delays, PEQs, limiters, HP & LP filters, phase, trim mute, as well as menu system
and memory store and recall.
Xover Only: This option locks all the crossover parameters, except trim and mute.
Xover + Trim: This option locks all the crossover parameters, except mute.
Xover + Trim + Mute: This option locks all crossover parameters, including mute.
Changes only: This option locks all parameters so that no changes can be made,