Tannoy TDX2 Quick reference
To access a channel press the appropriate channel’s ‘GAIN’ button. When you
press the button once you will get that channel’s gain screen. To scroll through a
channels’ parameters, use the ‘BACK’ and ‘NEXT’ keys. (If you press the gain
button a second time, you will get the last parameter viewed. A third press will take
you back to the default screen.)
To enter the menus, press the ‘MENU’ key. Use the ‘BACK’ and ‘NEXT’ keys to
take you to the sub-menu you require. ‘ENTER’ will take you into the sub-menu you
have selected. Use the ‘BACK’ and ‘NEXT’ keys to select the menu you require.
Press ‘ENTER’ to take you into the menu selected. ‘BACK’ and ‘NEXT’ will then
select the menu options. Use ‘ENTER’ to confirm selection.
X-over Sub-Menu: Used for storing and recalling X-overs including format, output
EQ, output delay, output gain and limiter settings. Also used for designing a new X-
Input Sub-Menu: Used for ganging inputs.
Security Sub-Menu: Used for locking various features of the unit with a unique 4
digit code.
System Sub-Menu: Used to view reports of the units status. Other options include
whether the parameters are displayed in Q or bandwidth and if the meters are pre
or post mute.
Interface Sub-Menu
AES/EBU Sub-Menu
1. The X-over (output) settings are stored / loaded independently (using ‘store /
load a X-over’) from the input settings (using ‘store / load input memory’).
2. The output meters show level, in dB’s, from limiter threshold. The input meters
show level, in dB’s, from input clip.
3. HPF’s and LPF’s are defined independently on each channel.
4. To get access to the limiter attack and release, select ‘Auto Limiter TC’ No,
when designing a X-over
5. To show parametric filters in bandwidth (‘BW’), rather than Q, go into the
‘system sub-menu’, select ‘filter Q or BW’, select BW.