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We recommend that you read the fo l l owing info rmation before you shop for your ingr e d i e n t s.Your bread-
m a ker will bake up to a 2 pound loaf of fresh bread containing approximately 4 cups of flour. All ingr e d i-
ents except liquids must be at room temperature and liquids should be approximately 80°F/27°C (baby
bottle tempera t u r e ) . A l ways place the ingredients in the bread pan in the order listed in the recipe: l i q u i d s,
d ry ingredients and then ye a s t . Some ingredient amounts are the same for different size loave s.
Ⅲ Measuring:The Correct Way
Be sure to measure accurately for success. M i s - m e a s u r i n g , even slightly, can make a big diffe r-
ence in your results. Measure each ingredient precisely before placing it into the bread pan
Ⅲ Measurement/Conversion Chart
1 1/2 tsp = 1/2 T B L 8 T B L = 1/2 cup
3 tsp = 1 T B L 12 T B L = 3/4 cup
1/2 T B L = 1 1/2 tsp 16 T B L = 1 cup
2 T B L = 1/8 cup 3/8 cup = 1/4 cup + 2 T B L
4 T B L = 1/4 cup 5/8 cup = 1/2 cup + 2 T B L
5 TBL + 1 tsp = 1/3 cup 7/8 cup = 3/4 cup + 2 T B L
Ⅲ Dough Ball: Necessary for a Successful Loaf of Bread
We have found that liquid amounts called for in a recipe may need to be adjusted slightly because
d i f fe r e n t climates and seasons result in a wide va riety of humidity leve l s.You may want to check the
dough ball half way through the first kneading progra m . At this point, the ball should be round, smooth-
t e xtured, soft and slightly tacky to the touch. If it does not fo rm a ball and is more like a batter, add 1
t a blespoon of flour at a time until it reaches the appropriate consistency. On the other hand, if the mixture
is too dry to fo rm a ball or fo rms more than one ball, add 1 teaspoon of water and allow it to absorb. A d d
more water if necessary. P r ovided you have used all of the ingredients specified in the recipe, measured
the ingredients properl y, and have a “ g o o d ” dough ball, you should achieve a successful loaf of bread.
Ⅲ Yeast: The Number One Ingredient for Yeast Breads and
We used RED STA R
A c t i ve Dry Yeast when we developed all of the bread recipes. H oweve r, R E D
Q U I C K- R I S E Yeast may also be used. We found that we did not have to va ry the amount used
when we substituted one for the other.When using bread machine yeast, fo l l ow the package instru c t i o n s.