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Please refer to wa r ranty statement to determine if in-wa r ranty service applies.
This appliance must be serviced by a Toastmaster authori zed service center. U n a u t h o ri zed service will
void wa r ra n t y. Consult your phone directory under “ A p p l i a n c e s - H o u s e h o l d - S m a l l - S e rvice and Repair”,
or call 1-800-947-3744.
If an authori zed service center is not ava i l a ble locally, your appliance may be returned postage prepaid
to our National Service Center at the address shown in the wa r ranty statement. Products must be
a d e q u a t e l y protected to avoid shipping damage.Surround your appliance with three inches of protective
padding and include a note explaining the problem you have ex p e ri e n c e d .We recommend insuring yo u r
p a ck a g e.No C. O. D. shipments accepted.
Power supply 120 V ~ 60 Hz
H e a t e r 1500 Wa t t s
Kneading Motor 100 Wa t t s
Dimension (WxDxH) 24 inches x 15 inches x16 inches
We i g h t 24 Po u n d s
Powe r
C o n s u m p t i o n