Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--DPage 1 -- 4Safety
Maintenance and Service
1. Before servicing or making adjustments, lower
decks, stop engine, apply parking brake and remove
key from the ignition switch.
2. Make sure machine is in safe operating condition by
keeping all nuts, bolts and screws tight.
3. Never store the machine or fuel container inside
where thereis anopen flame,such asneara waterheat-
er or furnace.
4. Make sure all hydraulic connectors are tight and all
hydraulic hoses and lines are in good condition before
applying pressure to the hydraulic system.
5. Keepbody and handsaway frompin holeleaks inhy-
draulic lines that eject high pressure hydraulic fluid. Use
cardboard or paper to find hydraulic leaks. Hydraulic
fluid escaping under pressure can penetrate skin and
cause injury. Fluid accidentally injected into the skin
must be surgically removed within a few hours by a doc-
tor familiar with this form of injury or gangrene may re-
6. Before disconnecting or performing any work on the
hydraulic system, all pressure in system must be re-
lieved by lowering cutting decks to the ground and stop-
ping engine.
7. If major repairs are ever needed or assistance is de-
sired, contact an Authorized Toro Distributor.
8. To reduce potential fire hazard, keep engine area
free of excessive grease, grass, leaves and dirt. Clean
protective screen on machine frequently.
9. If engine must be running to perform maintenance or
an adjustment, keep hands, feet, clothing and other
parts of the body away from cutting decks and other
moving parts. Keep bystanders away.
10.To assure safety and accuracy, check maximum en-
gine speed.
11.Shut engine o ff before checking or adding oil to the
12.Disconnect battery before servicing the machine.
Disconnect n egative cable first and positive cable last.
If battery voltage is required for troubleshooting or test
procedures,temporarily connect thebattery. Reconnect
positive cable first and negative cable last.
13.Battery acid is poisonous and can cause burns.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Protect your
face, eyes and clothing when working with a battery.
14.Battery gases can explode. Keep cigarettes, sparks
and flames away from the battery.
15.At the time of manufacture, the machine conformed
to the safety standards for riding mowers. To assure op-
timum performanceand continued safety certification of
the machine, use genuine Toro replacement parts and
accessories. Replacement partsandaccessoriesmade
by other manufacturers may result in non-conformance
with the safety standards and the warranty may be
16.When changing attachments, tires or performing
other service, use correct supports, hoists and jacks.
Make sure machine is parkedonasolidlevelsurface
such as aconcrete floor. Prior toraising themachine, re-
move any attachments that may interfere with the safe
and proper raising of the machine. Always chock or
block wheels. Use appropriate jack stands to support
the raised machine. If the machine is not properly sup-
ported by jack stands, the machine may move or fall,
which mayresult in personal injury( see Jacking Instruc-
tions in this chapter).
17.When welding on machine, disconnect all battery
cables to prevent damage to machine electronic equip-
ment. Disconnect negative battery cable first and posi-
tive cable last. Also, disconnect wire harness connector
from both of the TEC controllers, disconnect and re-
move the engine ECM and disconnect the terminal con-
nector from the alternator. Attach welder ground cable
no more than two (2) feet (0.6 meters) from the welding
18.Make sure to dispose of potentially harmful waste
(e.g. fuel, oil, engine coolant, filters, battery) in an envir-
onmentally safe manner. Follow all local codes and reg-
ulations when recycling or disposing of waste.