Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--DPage 5 -- 2Electrical System
General Information
Operator ’s Manual
The Operator’s Manual provides information regarding
the operation, general maintenance and maintenance
intervals for your Groundsmaster machine.Refer to that
publication for additional information when servicing the
Toro Electronic Controllers (TEC)
Groundsmaster4000--D and4010--D machines usetwo
(2) Toro Electronic Controllers (TEC) to manage ma-
chine electrical functions. The controllers are micropro-
cessor controlled that sense the condition of various
switches and sensors (inputs). The controllers then dir-
ectelectricalpower tocontrolappropriate machinefunc-
tions(outputs) basedon theinput state.Communication
betweenthe two(2) TECcontrollers, the Yanmarengine
electronic control unit (ECU) and the machine InfoCen-
ter Display isprovided witha CAN--bus system. Thes ta-
tusof inputsto the controllers aswell asoutputs from the
controllers can be monitored with the InfoCenter Dis-
The TEC controllers are attached to the machine under
the power center cover next to the operator seat. The
TEC controllers are visually identical but they have dif-
ferent software and therefore cannot be interchanged.
IMPORTANT: To prevent machine electrical system
damage while welding o n the machine, disconnect
thebatterycablesfromthe batteries,disconnectthe
wire harness connectors from both Toro Electronic
Controllers, disconnect the wire harness connec-
tors from the engine electronic control unit and dis-
connect the terminal connector from the alternator.
Also, disconnect and remove the engine ECU from
the machine before welding.
1. Front TEC controller
2. Rear TEC controller
3. Operator seat
Figure 1