Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--D Page 3 -- 5 Yanmar Diesel Engine
General Information
This Chapter gives informationabout specifications and
repair of the diesel engine used in Groundsmaster
4000-- D and 4010--D machines.
General maintenance procedures are described in your
Operator ’sManual. Informationon enginetroubleshoot-
ing, testing, disassembly and reassembly is identified in
the Yanmar Service Manual.
Most repairs and adjustments require tools which are
commonly available in many service shops. Special
tools are described in the Yanmar Service Manual. The
use of some specialized test equipment is explained.
However,the cost of the testequipment andthe special-
ized nature of some repairs may dictate that the work be
done at an engine repair facility.
Service and repair parts for Yanmar engines are sup-
plied through your Authorized Toro Distributor. If no
partslist isavailable, beprepared toprovide yourdistrib-
utor with the Toro model and serial number of your ma-
Operator’s Manuals
The Operator’s Manual provides information regarding
the operation, general maintenance and maintenance
intervals for your Groundsmaster machine.The Yanmar
Operator’s Manual includes information specific to the
engineusedin yourG roundsmaster.Referto thesepub-
lications for additional information when servicing the
Yanmar Service and Troubleshooting Manuals
The engine that powers your Groundsmaster machine
is either a Yanmar model 4TNV84T--Z (used on
Groundsmaster models 30603 and 30605) (Tier 4i) or a
Yanmar model 4TNV86CT (used on Groundsmaster
models 30607 and 30609) (Tier 4). Both the Yanmar
Service Manual and Yanmar Troubleshooting Manual
are available for these engines. Make sure that the cor-
rect engine manuals are used when servicing the en-
gine on your Groundsmaster.
Stopping the Engine
IMPORTANT: Aftermowing orfull load operationon
machineswitha turbo--charged engine,cool thetur-
bo-charger by allowing the engine to run at low idle
speed for five (5) minutes before stopping the en-
gine. Failure to do so may lead to turbo-charger
Diesel Engine