Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--DPage 5 -- 56Electrical System
Diode Assemblies
The Groundsmaster engine wire harness contains a
diode assembly that is used for circuit protection from
voltage spikes when the engine starter solenoid is de--
Groundsmaster models 30607 and 30609 use an addi-
tional diode assembly in the engine wire harness that
protects the engine EGR circuit from reverse polarity.
The diode assemblies plug into the wiring harness near
the engine startermotor (see enginewire harness draw-
ing in Chapter 10 -- Foldout Drawings). The diode as-
semblies can be identified by a black color and diode
symbol on end of diode assembly body.
The diode can be tested using a digital multimeter
(diode test or ohms setting) and the table to the right.
Figure 72
1. Diode assembly
2. Male terminal
3. Female terminal
4. End of diode body
Red Lead (+)
on Terminal
Black Lead (--)
on Terminal
Female Male YES
Male Female NO
Resistor Assembly
On Groundsmaster machineswith an80 Amp alternator
(see Engine Specifications in Chapter 3 -- Yanmar Dies-
el Engine), the engine wire harness contains a resistor
that is necessary for ignition switch operation. The res-
istor plugs into the wiring h arness near the engine start-
er motor (see engine wire harness drawing in Chapter
10 -- Foldout Drawings).
The resistor assembly can be identified by its gray color
and resistor symbol on end of resistor assembly body.
The resistor can be tested using a digital multimeter
(ohms setting). The resistance across the resistor ter-
minals should be 1.6K ohms.
1. Resistor assembly 2. End of resistor body
Figure 73