Rev. B
Workman 200 Spray SystemPage 3.1 -- 16Sonic Boom System (Optional Kit)
For effective troubleshootingand repairs, theremust be
a good understanding of the electrical circuits and com-
ponents used on the Sonic Boom System (see Sonic
Boom System Operation in this chapter).
NOTE: When troubleshooting an electrical problem on
your SonicBoomSystem, referto informationregarding
the sonic boom light in this section. Also, use the Diag-
nostic Display (see Special Tools in this chapter) to test
electronic control unit (ECU) inputs and outputs.
Sonic Boom Light
The Sonic Boom System is designed to automatically
adjustthe sprayerboomheight ifchangesin theturfsur-
face are detected. The sonic boom light should be
illuminated whenever the vehicle ignition switch is ON
and the sonic boom switch is in either the automatic or
manual position.
The sonic boom light flashing quickly indicates that the
Sonic Boom System is in the calibration mode. This
mode allows the spray booms to be adjusted for the de-
sired boomheight.The calibrationmodelasts fortwenty
(20) seconds after which the boom light should quit
NOTE: A sequence of switch movements is necessary
to engage the calibration mode. Refer to the Sonic
Boom Kit Installation Instructions for this sequence.
Thesonicboomlightflashingslowlyindicatesthat asys-
tem error has been encountered. If the boom light is
flashing slowly, lower the affected boom(s) with the
boom actuator switch(es) to clear the error. If the error
continues, there may be an issue with the Sonic Boom
System electronic control unit (ECU). If this occurs, see
Diagnostic Display and Troubleshooting Chart in this
1. Spray control console 2. Sonic boom light
Figure 6
Sonic Boom Calibration
The Sonic Boom sensor calibration process is critical to
the correct operation of the Sonic Boom System. The
calibration process establishes the sensor target dis-
tance between the boom and the turf surface. Typically,
this distanceis approximately twenty(20) inches. Steps
needed for proper calibration are identified in the Sonic
Boom Kit Installation Instructions.
While calibrating the Sonic Boom sensors, it is best to
perform the calibration process on turf. A shiny surface
(e.g. cement shop floor) can skew s ensor signals. Also,
ensurethecalibration areaisfree ofbuildings,trees,un-
derground plumbing and other machines that could in-
terfere with sensor signals.