Rev. B
Workman 200 Spray System Page 3.1 -- 21 Sonic Boom System (Optional Kit)
Problem Possible Cause
One of the boom actuators will not
30 amp auto resetting fuse for affected boom actuator is faulty.
Power switch relay or circuit wiring for affected boom actuator is
Boom actuator switch or circuit wiring for affected boom actuator is
Affected boom actuator or circuit wiring is faulty.
Neither of the boom actuators will
Loop back connector is unplugged from wire harness connector.
5 amp or 10 amp fuse in sonic boom fuse block is faulty.
Electrical power from vehicle is not available (all sonic boom func-
tions are affected).
30 amp auto resetting fuse is faulty in both boom actuators.
ECU or circuit wiring is faulty.
One of the booms does not automat-
ically follow ground irregularities.
Boom can be controlled with boom
actuator switch.
On affected boom, the sonic boom sensor cover is on sensor or is
hanging in sensor path.
On affected boom, the sensor filter is dirty or damaged.
Calibration of the Sonic Boom sensors is incorrect.
On affected boom, the sonic sensor angle needs adjustment.
Sonic sensor or circuit wiring for affected boom is faulty.
ECU or circuit wiring is faulty.
Neither boom automatically follows
ground irregularities. Booms can be
controlled with boom actuator
Sonic mode switch is not in the AUTO position.
Sonic boom sensor covers are on both s ensors or are hanging in
sensor path.
The filters on both sensors are dirty or damaged.
Calibration of the Sonic Boom sensors is incorrect.
The sonic sensor angle on both booms need adjustment.
Both sonic sensors or circuit wiring are faulty.
ECU or circuit wiring is faulty.