Cochran admits that he and his
staff are usually a bit skeptical when
companies decide to make changes to
existing products and machinery, but
they were more than pleased with the
new Sand Pro 5040, especially with its
17 attachments that can be switched out
easily in less a minute.
“I think the new Sand Pro is going to
be a very useful tool from our standpoint
because it’s going to give
us the ability to do more than just one
particular job,” Cochran explains. “We
have limited floor space in our shop,
and if we can purchase attachments to
make a machine more versatile, then it’s
definitely something we’ll consider. Toro
really listened to what we asked for and
delivered the improvements. They have
been extremely helpful. I feel lucky that
they asked for my input.”
From Better To Best
To better meet the needs of customers,
the improved Sand Pro 3040, which
will eventually replace the 3020 model,
is equipped with a fuel-efficient, 16-
horsepower Vanguard
engine. It features
improved gear-drive assisted steering and
a Quick Attach System on the back as
well as the standard hydraulic lift,
3-wheel drive traction.
The 18-horsepower Sand Pro 5040
will take the place of the 5020. In
addition to the standard series features,
this premium model offers new hydraulic
power steering, a front and back
Quick Attach System and the comfort,
efficiency and dependability that Toro
customers have come to expect for
keeping bunkers conditioned and ready
for play.
The new improvements and innovative
features of the 3040 and 5040 make
these bunker rakes unsurpassed for
grooming, construction activities and
specialty maintenance across your
entire course. But one of the favorite
additions to the upgraded designs is
the Hydraulic Flex Blade, which
is an ideal attachment for golf
courses that get more than their
fair share of inclement
weather. The Sand
Pro has always had
a blade, but it was
operated manually.
Until now, this
manual blade was a
cause for lost time and
spent energy. With the new models,
however, the hydraulic capabilities make
reconstructing bunker faces much less
With about 170 bunkers on 400 acres
at Carmel Country Club in Charlotte,
North Carolina, Bill Anderson, greens
and grounds director, appreciates this
new improvement. Anderson, who has
more than 32 years of experience, says,
“we average 50-plus inches of rain a
year, so pushing the sand back after a
heavy rain is a big part of our bunker
maintenance. The Sand Pro’s new
Hydraulic Flex Blade will make that an
easier and faster job. The thing that I like
the most is not so much the flex but the
fact that you don’t have to manually lift
the blade up or down. Overall, the Sand
Pro is a good machine that they made
even better. I’d give it an A+.”
With increased versatility, capability,
and ease of use, the new and improved
3040 and 5040 models are more
competitive, performance-driven,
operator- and technician-
friendly. Undoubtedly,
the Toro Sand Pro will be
spending less time in the
shop. From now on, it looks
like the Sand Pro will be
spending a lot more time in
the bunkers and out on the
New, Improved Sand Pro
Bunker Rakes
From Good…To Better…To Best
“Overall, the Sand Pro
is a good machine that
they made even better.
I’d give it an A+.”
– Bill Anderson, Greens and Grounds
Director, Carmel Country Club,
Charlotte, North Carolina
Sand Pro 5040
Toro's new Sand Pro models offer superior produc-
tivity and result in beautifully groomed bunkers.