maintain optimum soil moisture all the
time. It also reduces water lost to wind
and evaporation, and avoids problems
of erosion or collapse around bunkers.
Bunker sand stays dry as well.
But better yet, underground DL2000
drip systems on a golf course eliminate
the problem of interfering with golfers’
play, and as Hawkins says, they greatly
reduce the time and expense of hand-
“With the drip, you can schedule your
irrigation to apply water at the rate you
need to meet your turf demands and
soil conditions,” says Bill Carroll, Drip
Irrigation District Manager for Toro.
“You can even irrigate while people are
teeing off, and they don’t know what’s
going on because the water is applied
“It’s worked out fantastically. If I had
the opportunity, I’d put it around all of
my bunkers,” says David Emmons, golf
course superintendent at the private, 27-
hole Longboat Key Club in Longboat
Key, Florida. “With the ability to supply
water to stressed turf at any time of the
day, the convenience is outstanding.”
Located on a barrier island in the
Gulf of Mexico, Longboat Key faces
environmental stresses such as salt air
and water-quality issues. Certain areas of
the course that are harder to irrigate can
visibly react to the stress.
“There was a particular bunker that
always looked weak around the edges,”
says Emmons. “We just couldn’t get
enough water on it without hand-
watering, and we don’t have the
manpower for that.”
After agreeing to try the DL2000,
that bunker was one of the first places
Emmons installed it.
“Within weeks it was greener than it
had ever been,” he says. “That really gave
it the help it needed.”
Pre-packaged Solution Makes
Installation Simple
Subsurface drip irrigation may
seem like a radical step for some. To
minimize concerns about such a different
approach, Toro made the choice easier
by creating a complete, ready-to-go
installation kit. All the parts needed
to implement DL2000 literally come
in one box, and are labeled for easy
“We knew that people might
be unfamiliar with these parts and
fittings, so we had the idea to put all
the components in a kit with easy-
to-follow instructions,” says Carroll.
“The components needed to install
most systems are included, and it’s
dramatically simplified with one hose
diameter, emitter spacing and flowrate.
You don’t need to worry about acquiring
fittings or anything. It all goes together
quite easily.”
There are four separate DL2000
System kits for different uses.
n A Low-Flow/Single Bunker System
with flow range from .1 to 8 gpm,
and system capacity up to 1000 lin-
ear feet.
n A High-Flow/Multi-Bunker System
Kit with flow range from of 2 to 20
gpm, and system capacity up to 2500
linear feet.
n A Tee Box System Kit that includes
with flow range of 2 to
20 gpm and system capacity up to
2500 linear feet.
n An Additional Zone Kit containing a
500’ roll of DL2000 with fittings is
available for applications where extra
dripline is required.
The Tee Box Kit also includes
Toro’s unique, built-in Airjection
system, which provides underground
aeration during the irrigation process.
This exclusive feature aerates the soil
by injecting micro-bubbles into the
water using existing system pressure.
The Airjection System reduces soil
compaction and improves turf quality.
Adding a DL2000 System—at depths
ranging from 1 to 6 inches—is quick
and easy.
“You just peel back the existing turf,
do the installation, put the turf back
over, then water it down and you’re good
to go,” explains Baird. “Usually you can
do it in about a day.”
“They basically just opened the turf
and tucked it in,” says Emmons about
his DL2000 installation. “Soon you
couldn’t even tell they’d been there.”
Protection Against Roots
Years of experience with subsurface
irrigation in landscapes has taught Toro
a lot about improving it. For example,
a common problem for years was root
intrusion, as aggressive roots would grow
toward the water and clog the emitters.
Toro solved this problem with its
exclusive, patented ROOTGUARD
technology that impregnates the DL2000
emitters with Treflan
herbicide. It forms
a non-toxic chemical barrier which keeps
the system root-free, but won’t harm
In addition to bunkers and tees, the
flexible and adaptable DL2000 System
kits can be used around lakes, hardscapes
and any areas that are hard to target with
conventional above-ground irrigation.
“DL2000 is a great solution that’s
remarkably simple,” Carroll concludes.
“It’s a win-win,” says Hawkins. “I
told a guy yesterday that if we were to
do another golf course, I’d do all the
bunkers with drip.”
is a registered trademark of
Dow AgroSciences.
is a registered trademark of
Mazzei Injector Corporation.
Introducing DL2000 System Golf Kit
New Subsurface Irrigation Saves Time, Solves Problems
The new DL2000 system provides ideal watering
for bunker surrounds.