H5R & H5E AV500 Hybrid Wi-Fi Starter Kit
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¾ Confirm Password - Enter the password again to make sure that the password is
Check the radio button of Dynamic/Static IP to activate the secondary connection if your ISP
provides an extra Connection type such as Dynamic/Static IP to connect to a local area
4) If the connection type is L2TP/ Russian L2TP, the next screen will appear as shown in
Figure 3-10.Configure the following p
arameters and then click Next to continue.
Figure 3-10 Quick Setup – L2TP
¾ User Name/Password - Enter the user name and password provided by your ISP.
These fields are case-sensitive.
Select Static IP if IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS server address have been
provided by your ISP. Then please enter server IP address or domain name provided by your
ISP, and also enter the corresponding parameters.
Select Dynamic IP if none of the above parameters are provided. Then you just need to enter
server IP address or domain name provided by your ISP.
5) If the connection type is PPTP/Russian PPTP, the next screen will appear as shown in
Figure 3-11. Configure the following p
arameters and then click Next to continue.