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4. Click the Scan All button to scan all the share folders immediately. You can also select the
Auto-scan checkbox and select an auto-scan interval. In this case, the media server will
automatically scan the share folders.
The max share folders number is 6. If you want share a new folder when the number has
reached 6, you can delete a share folder and then add a new one.
4.11.4 Print Server
Choose menu “USB Settings → Print Server”, and then you can configure print server on this
page as shown below.
Figure 4-62 Pint Server Setting
There are two states of the print server, they are as follows:
¾ Online - Indicates the print service has been turned on, and no user is using the print service
at present. You can click the "Stop" button to stop the print service.
¾ Offline - Indicates the print service feature is disabled. You can click "Start" button to start the
print service.
4.11.5 User Accounts
Choose menu “USB Settings → User Accounts”, and then you can configure the user name
and password for Storage Sharing and FTP Server users. Storage Sharing users can use Internet
Explorer to access files on the USB drive. FTP Server users can log into the FTP Server via FTP
User admin is the default user account that can access the Storage Sharing and FTP Server. It
has Read and Write permissions to Storage Sharing and can access FTP Server.
Figure 4-63 User Account Management