WLAN: Select Enable to enable the wireless function; select Disable to disable the function.
Device Mac address: This displays the MAC address of the Camera.
IP address: This displays the IP address of the Camera. It displays blank, or an IP Address.
When it is blank, the Camera doesn’t establish physical link with access point. The means
that physical link is established, and that Camera is trying to get the IP address. When it displays an
IP address, users can use wireless network.
Status of Wireless Networks
The list above is the result of network scan. The network currently linked to will be shown in blue. The
following information is provided.
ESSID - The name of a wireless network (or ad-hoc device). If the same name occurs several
times this means that several access points for that network were found. The Camera cannot
be configured to only associate with one particular access point.
Signal strength - Shows the signal strength.
Security - Shows which type of security the network uses. See below for the security types
supported by the Camera.
Radio Type - Displays the radio type of the wireless network.
Mode - Shows if the network type is Managed (access point or router) or Ad-Hoc (another
Channel - Shows the wireless channel currently in use.
Click the Connect button to connect the Camera to the selected wireless network. The ESSID will be
automatically filled in and the IP address of the Camera will be obtained automatically.
Click the Disconnect button to disconnect the Camera from the wireless networks.
Click the Manual button to connect the Camera to a wireless networks. The ESSID can be manually
filled in; the IP address of the Camera can be obtained automatically or assigned manually.
Click the Refresh button to rescan the existing wireless networks in the local area.
To connect to a network, please follow the instructions below:
If you want to automatically obtain the IP address of the Camera, you can select a wireless network and
then click Connect. The network wireless setting page will display. Enter the Passphrase twice and click
“Save” to apply the settings.