Encryption – You can select TKIP or AES. Keep this option the same with that of the
wireless network.
Passphrase - Enter the desired AP/ Router’s password here.
Re-type – Enter the password above again to confirm it.
Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP) – If a DHCP server is installed and enabled
on the network, to select this for the IP address can be assigned by the DHCP server.
Use the following IP address - Select this when the fixed IP address is set.
IP address: Enter the IP address of the Camera, which must be in the same subnet
with that of the desired AP/ Router.
Subnet mask: Enter the subnet mask.
Default gateway: Enter the default gateway.
Obtain DNS server address automatically - If you select Obtain an IP address
automatically (DHCP) above, this entry will display in the figure. Select this to obtain the
address of DNS server automatically.
Use the following DNS server address - Select this when you set the fixed address as
the IP address of DNS server.
Primary DNS server: Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server.