Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Specify the log file synchronization frequency as 10 hours:
TL-SG2424(config)#logging file flash frequency periodic10
logging file flash level
The logging file flash level command is used to specify the system log
message severity level. Messages will a severity level equal to or higher than
this value will be stored to the flash. To restore to the default level, please use
no logging file flash level command.
logging file flash level level
no logging file flash level
level —— Severity level of the log message. There are 8 severity levels marked
with values 0-7. The smaller value has the higher priority. Only the log with the
same or smaller severity level value will be saved to the flash. By default, it is 2
indicating that the log message marked with 0~2 will be saved in the log flash.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Save the log messages with their severities equal or higher than 7 to the flash :
TL-SG2424(config)#logging file flash level 7
clear logging
The clear logging command is used to clear the information in the log buffer
and log file.