Electrical Data
Factory-wired and-mounted power control includes main power connections. Total kW includes solution and refrigerant pump,
motors, purge pump motor and control panel. Units may be supplied for operation on 230,460 or 575 volt, 3-phase, 60-hertz
power, or 190, 220, 380 or 415 volt, 3-phase, 50-hertz power.
Table ED-1. Electrical data
60 Hertz, 3-Phase
Supply Total Motor Total Motor Control Circuit Max Fuse Size
Model Voltage FLA HP kW Amps MCA Amps
500 200 69.0 13.0 9.7 10.0 86 90
thru 230 60.0 13.0 9.7 8.7 75 80
600 460 30.0 13.0 9.7 4.4 37 40
575 25.0 13.0 9.7 3.5 31 35
700 200 90.0 17.5 13.0 10.0 109 110
thru 230 78.0 17.5 13.0 8.7 94 100
800 460 39.0 17.5 13.0 4.4 47 50
575 32.0 17.5 13.0 3.5 39 40
200 90.0 17.5 13.0 10.0 109 110
975 230 78.0 17.5 13.0 8.7 94 100
460 39.0 17.5 13.0 4.4 47 50
575 32.0 17.5 13.0 3.5 39 40
1100 200 96.0 20.0 14.9 10.0 115 125
thru 230 84.0 20.0 14.9 8.7 100 110
1350 460 42.0 20.0 14.9 4.4 50 60
575 34.0 20.0 14.9 3.5 41 45
50 Hertz, 3-Phase
Supply Total Motor Total Motor Control Circuit Max Fuse Size
Model Voltage FLA HP kW Amps MCA Amps
500 190 62.0 13.0 9.7 10.5 79 80
thru 220 52.4 13.0 9.7 9.1 67 70
600 380 30.0 13.0 9.7 5.3 38 40
415 27.5 13.0 9.7 4.8 35 35
700 190 67.0 15.5 11.6 10.5 85 90
thru 220 57.4 15.5 11.6 9.1 73 80
800 380 33.0 15.5 11.6 5.3 42 45
415 30.5 15.5 11.6 4.8 39 40
975 190 80.0 17.5 13.0 10.5 98 100
220 68.0 17.5 13.0 9.1 84 90
380 39.0 17.5 13.0 5.3 48 50
415 36.0 17.5 13.0 4.8 44 45
1100 190 85.0 20.0 14.9 10.5 103 110
thru 220 73.0 20.0 14.9 9.1 89 90
1350 380 42.0 20.0 14.9 5.3 51 60
415 39.0 20.0 14.9 4.8 47 50