The unit is a complete, single-effect
steam- or hot-water-fired absorption
chiller package, built in an ISO 9001
environment. The chiller consists of
generator/condenser section,
evaporator/absorber section, controls,
pumps, heat exchanger, and energy
control valve. All units are of hermetic
design, factory-assembled and-leak-
tested prior to shipment. Units can be
separated and shipped disassembled for
rigging purposes. Unit controls are
factory mounted and wired, including
microelectronic control panel, sensors
and purge system. An energy valve can
be factory mounted and wired as an
option on steam-fired units. The unit is
painted prior to shipping with two coats
of a water-base air-dry primer. Standard
method of shipment is by truck.
The shell material is carbon steel. The
standard generator tube material is
cupro-nickel, the evaporator is copper,
absorber is cupro-nickel or copper and
the condenser is copper. Tubes are
mechanically rolled into the tube sheets
and are replaceable from either end.
The condenser, evaporator and absorber
tube supports are fixed. The generator
consists of fixed and floating tube
supports to allow for even tube
expansion. Solution spray systems are
replaceable from one end of the unit
without sacrificing the hermetic integrity
of the unit.
Design working pressure for the water
boxes is 150 psig [10.3 bars]. All tube
bundles are tested at 150 percent of
design working pressure. All water
boxes have gasketed, removable covers
for access. Optional marine-type water
boxes can be provided on the condenser
and absorber. Water connections are
provided with either victaulic or raised-
face flanged connections.
Heat Exchangers
A brazed-plate solution heat exchanger
is provided to reduce energy use and
improve unit performance. Heat
exchanger surfaces are 300 series
stainless steel.
Solution and refrigerant are circulated by
means of three hermetic, single-stage
centrifugal pumps. The pump impellers
are cast iron, with a steel shaft supported
by two tapered carbon bearings. The
bearings are lubricated and the motor is
cooled via the pumped fluid. Adjustable-
frequency drives are provided on the
generator pump and absorber pump to
provide solution flow control.
Automatic Purge System
The purge system utilizes an eductor for
moving noncondensables to the
condenser, Purifier
Purge to collect the
noncondensables in an external storage
tank, and a vacuum pump for removal of
the noncondensables. The purge
operates automatically to remove
noncondensables from the unit during
periods of chiller operation and
shutdown. Logging of purge
information is provided via the unit
control panel.
The shell is carbon steel. Tube sheets are
steel and standard generator tubes are
constructed of copper nickel. The
generator has fixed and floating tube
supports to allow for even tube
expansion. The steam side of the
generator is designed and stamped for
50 psi ASME construction. For hot water
as the energy source, the generator is
ASME designed and stamped for 150 or
400 psi [10.3 or 27.6 bars]. The generator/
condenser includes a rupture disk, which
is sized to meet ANSI/ASHRAE B 15.
Optional Lithium Bromide
The filter system consists of the filter
assembly and the associated piping and
filter-isolation valves needed for
operation and maintenance. The main
filter body is stainless steel with a
removable, cleanable, stainless steel
internal 150-micron element. The filter
isolation valves allow service of the filter
assembly without disturbing the
operation of the rest of the machine.
Control Panel
The UCP2
is a microprocessor-based
chiller control system that provides
complete stand-alone operation. It is a
factory-mounted package, including a
full complement of controls to safely and
efficiently operate the absorption liquid
chiller. The UCP2
• Chilled-water temperature control
• Concentration control
System Features and Functions
• User interface with a 40-character,
2-line display capable of displaying
7 languages and SI or English units,
and a 16 key keypad
• Passwords for protection of unit setup
and configuration
• Chilled-water pump control
• Absorber/condenser pump control
• Automatic and manual control of
solution and refrigerant pumps
• Economical solution-flow control of the
low-temperature solution pump and
absorber pump via an adjustable-
frequency drive
• Anti-crystallization through dilution
• Automatic and manual purge system
• Chilled-water reset
• Two-way valve assembly for hot-water
flow control or steam flow control
• Concentration control
• Steam adaptive flow control