Table EP-1 — Electric Heat Capacity and Electrical Data (For PTEC and PTHC Models)***
Electric Nominal Heating Minimum Circuit Overcurrent
Heater No. Of Total Total Power
Size (kW) Stages Btu 208 Btu 230 Btu 265 Watts
Amps Ampacity
208/230 2.0/2.5 1 6,800 8,500 — 2,140/2,650 10.2/11.5 14.2 15 6-15 P
208/230 2.9/3.5 1 9,900 12,000 — 3,040/3,650 14.5/15.8 19.6 20 6-20 P
208/230 4.1/5.0 ** 14,000 17,100 — 4,240/5,150 20.3/22.3 27.7 30 6-30 P
265 2.5 1 — — 8,500 2,650 10 12.4 15 7-20 P
265 3.7 1 — — 12,600 3,850 14.6 18.1 20 7-20 P
265 5.0 ** — — 17,100 5,150 19.5 24.2 25 7-30 P
1. Minimum branch circuit ampacity ratings conform to the National Electric Code. However, local codes should apply.
2. Minimum voltage on 208/230 volt models is 197 volts; maximum is 253 volts. Minimum voltage on 265 volt models is 238.5 volts; maximum is 291.5 volts.
3. Overcurrent protection for all units without electric heaters is 15 amps. Overcurrent protection on 265 volt models must be cartridge-style time delay fuses (included and
factory installed on Trane chassis).
4. Total watts for 7,000 and 9,000 Btu models; add 40 watts for size 12 and 70 watts for size 15.
**PTHC07, 09 and 12 are two-stage; PTHC15 is one-stage.
*** Note: All heat pumps must have electric coils.
Table EP-2 — Power Receptacle Configurations
Voltage 208/230 265
Unit Supplied Plug
Amps 15 20 30 20 30
NEMA Rating 6-15P 6-20P 6-30P 7-20P 7-30P
Amps 20 20 30 20 30
NEMA Rating 6-20R 6-20R 6-30R 7-20R 7-30R
1. All wiring, including receptacles, must be made in accordance with local electrical codes and regulations.
2. NEMA 6-15 and 6-20 plugs fit in NEMA 6-20 receptacles.
3. Receptacles shown for 208/230 applications are factory supplied with subbase, per local codes for wall mounted receptacles use or the corresponding NEMA receptacles.
4. Receptacles shown for 265 volt applications are factory supplied with subbase. Codes do not allow 265 volt units to mate with wall mounted receptacles. They may however be
hard-wired per Local Codes.