Features and
Energy Efficiency
Trane PTAC units and heat pumps are
among the most efficient in the industry,
with EERs of up to 11.6 and COPs of up
to 3.3. The efficient design of the PSC
motor and airflow pattern help to reduce
the energy consumption of the fan.
Packaged terminal heat pumps tend to
be more efficient than electric heat only.
In fact, operating savings may result in a
payback of less than one year. During
heating operation, refrigerant in the heat
pump runs in the reverse direction of the
cooling operation. The outside air is
cooled, thereby giving up heat to the
refrigerant in the heat pump.
This heat is then pumped back inside,
resulting in up to three Btu’s of heat for
every Btu of energy consumed.
During cooling operation, heat is
removed from the building as the air is
cooled. This heat proceeds through the
compression cycle and is ultimately
rejected to the outside air.
Energy-saving options available with
PTAC units include:
Front Desk Contact Point
Each unit has low voltage interface
capability with a field-supplied ON/OFF
switch. Turn off heating or cooling to
unoccupied rooms.
Fan Mode Switch
Select continuous fan operation or cycle
the fan ON and OFF with the compressor
or heat operation. The switch is
concealed to help prevent tampering by
unauthorized personnel.
Temperature Limiter
This unit-mounted mechanical control
allows guests to adjust in-room
temperature settings within a pre-
programmed range.
These features help assure reliable
Freeze Protection
When the unit senses temperatures of
40°F or below, the unit activates the fan
motor and either the electric resistance
heater or the hydronic heater to help
prevent pipes or fixtures from freezing.
This also overrides front desk control of
the unit mounted or wall sensor.
Automatic Emergency Heat
Each unit automatically switches over to
electric resistance heat if for any reason
the heat pump compressor system fails
or if the heating load is greater than the
unit capacity.
Random Restart
Avoid troublesome power surges that
can damage electrical circuits. Each unit
has a random restart circuit to prevent all
units from restarting at one time after
power disruption.
Compressor Restart Delay
Extend compressor life. The unit
automatically delays any restart attempt
by three minutes to allow the refrigerant
pressures time to equalize.
Quiet Operation
State-of-the-art design and construction
provide a quiet environment for guests
to relax. Contributing to the quiet
operation of the unit are:
•An acoustically insulated bulkhead.
•Acoustical rubber-in-shear isolators
under the compressor.
•An isolated fan motor.
Operating sound levels are further
dampened when the unit is in the LOW
FAN mode of operation.
Dehumidification and air filtration are
both factors affecting comfort. When the
air is dehumidified, occupants feel more
comfortable at higher temperatures.
Trane PTACs help maintain lower
humidity levels in rooms, without the
need for expensive add-on’s. Another
benefit is that dehumidification can help
extend the life of furniture, wall
coverings and fixtures.
When ventilation air is filtered, rooms
stay cleaner, longer. The hidden
ventilation air intake filters outside air to
reduce dust and pollen.
User-Friendly Controls
Controls are easy to read, understand
and activate.