Digit 9, 10 - Factory-Installed Options
00 = No Factory-installed Options
0A = Factory-installed Economizer
0B = Oversized Motor
0C = Downflow Economizer and
Oversized Motor
0F = Trane Communications Interface
0G= Downflow Economizer and TCI
0H = TXV/Face-Split Evaporator
0J = Oversized Motor and TXV/Face-Split
0K = Downflow Economizer, Oversized
Motor, and TXV/Face-Split Evaporator
0L = Downflow Economizer with TXV/Face-
Split Evaporator
0M = Reheat Coil
0N= Downflow Economizer and Reheat
0P = Oversized Motor and Reheat Coil
0R = Downflow Economizer, Oversized
Motor and Reheat Coil
Digit 11- Minor Design Sequence
Digit 12- Service Digit
Digit 8 - Electrical Characteristics
3 = 208-230/60/3
4 = 460/60/3
W= 575/60/3
K = 380/60/3
Packaged Cooling with Electric Heat Unit Typical Model Nomenclature
Digits 1, 2 - Product Type
TC = Packaged Cooling, Electric
TF = With Factory Installed
Digits 4, 5, 6 - Nominal Gross Cooling
Capacity (MBh)
150 = 12½ Tons Standard Efficiency
151 = 12½ Tons High Efficiency
180 = 15 Tons Standard Efficiency
181 = 15 Tons High Efficiency
210 = 17½ Tons Standard Efficiency
211 = 17½ Tons High Efficiency
240 = 20 Tons Standard Efficiency
241 = 20 Tons High Efficiency
300 = 25 Tons Standard Efficiency
301 = 25 Tons High Efficiency
Digit 7- Major Development Sequence
TC D 150 C 3 0 0 A A
12 3 456 7 8 9 10 11 12
Digit 3 - Airflow Configuration
D = Downflow
H = Horizontal