Unit shall be completely factory wired
with necessary controls and contactor
pressure lugs or terminal block for power
wiring. Unit shall provide an external
location for mounting a fused disconnect
device. ReliaTel controls shall be provided
for all 24 volt control functions. The
resident control algorithms shall make all
heating, cooling, and/or ventilating
decisions in response to electronic signals
from sensors measuring indoor and
outdoor temperatures. The control
algorithm maintains accurate
temperature control, minimizes drift from
set point, and provides better building
comfort. A centralized control shall
provide anti-short cycle timing and time
delay between compressors to provide a
higher level of machine protection.
Defrost Controls
Adaptive demand defrost shall be
provided to permit defrost wherever coil
icing conditions begin to significantly
reduce unit capacity.
Factory Installed Options
Black Epoxy Coated Pre-Coated Coils
The black epoxy coils have a thermoset
vinyl coating that is bonded to the
aluminum fin stock prior to the fin-
stamping process. The pre-coated coils
are an economical option for protection in
mildly corrosive environments.
Dehumidification Option
The dehumidification (hot gas reheat)
option shall provide increased
dehumidification. The option shall consist
of a hot-gas reheat coil located on the
leaving air side of the evaporator coil
prepiped and circuited. Low pressure
switch(es) and thermostatic expansion
valve(s) TXV are standard. Frostat™,
ReliaTel options module, and 2”pleated
filters are required but not standard. They
must be ordered and configured
Hinged Access Doors
Sheet metal hinges are available on the
Filter/Evaporator Access Door and the
Compressor/Control Access Door. This
option is available on all downflow
High Efficiency Motors
This option is available with efficiency
ratings from 86.5 up to 91.0. It is not
available for all models.
High Pressure Cutout
This option is offered for units that do not
have High Pressure cutout as standard.
Powered or Unpowered Convenience
This option is a GFCI, 120v/15amp, 2 plug,
convenience outlet, either powered or
unpowered. When the convenience outlet
is powered, a service receptacle
disconnect will be available. The
convenience outlet is powered from the
line side of the disconnect or circuit
breaker, and therefore will not be
affected by the position of the disconnect
or circuit breaker. This option can only be
ordered when the Through the Base
Electrical with either the Disconnect
Switch, or Circuit Breaker, option is
ordered. This option is available on all
downflow models.
Supply and/or Return Air Smoke
With this option installed, if smoke is
detected, all unit operation will be shut
down. Reset will be manual at the unit.
Return Air Smoke Detectors require
minimum allowable airflow when used
with certain models. See the Installation,
Operation, and Maintenance (IOM)
manual for the models affected and the
minimum allowable airflow required. This
option is available on all downflow
Through the Base Electrical with Circuit
This option is a thermal magnetic, molded
case, HACR Circuit Breaker with
provisions for through the base electrical
connections. The circuit breaker will be
installed in a water tight enclosure in the
unit with access through a swinging door.
Factory wiring will be provided from the
switch to the unit high voltage terminal
block. The circuit breaker will provide
overcurrent protection, be sized per NEC
and UL guidelines, and be agency
recognized by UL/CSA. This option is
available on all downflow models.
Through the Base Electrical With
Disconnect Switch
Three-pole, molded case, disconnect
switch with provisions for through the
base electrical connections are available.
The disconnect switch will be installed in
the unit in a water tight enclosure with
access through a swinging door. Factory
wiring will be provided from the switch to
the unit high voltage terminal block. The
switch will be UL/CSA agency recognized.
Note: The disconnect switch will be sized
per NEC and UL guidelines but will not be
used in place of unit overcurrent
protection. This option is available on all
downflow models.
Through the Base Utilities Access
An electrical service entrance shall be
provided allowing electrical access for
both control and main power connections
inside the curb and through the base of
the unit. Option will allow for field
installation of liquid-tight conduit and an
external field installed disconnect switch.
Two-Inch Pleated Filters
Two inch pleated media filters shall be
available on all models.