General information
Unit Inspection
When the unit is delivered, verify that it is the correct unit and that it is properly
equipped. Compare the information which appears on the unit nameplate with the
ordering and submittal information.
Inspect all exterior components for visible damage. Report any apparent damage or
material shortage to the carrier and make a “unit damage” notation on the carrier’s
delivery receipt. Specify the extent and type of damage found and notify the appropri
ate Trane Sales Office. Do not proceed with installation of a damaged unit without
sales office approval.
Inspection Checklist
To protect against loss due to damage incurred in transit, complete the following
checklist upon receipt of the unit.
• Inspect the individual pieces of the shipment before accepting the unit. Check for
obvious damage to the unit or packing material.
• Inspect the unit for concealed damage as soon as possible after delivery and
before it is stored. Concealed damage must be reported within 15 days.
• If concealed damage is discovered, stop unpacking the shipment. Do not remove
damaged material from the receiving location. Take photos of the damage, if pos
sible. The owner must provide reasonable evidence that the damage did not
occur after delivery.
• Notify the carrier’s terminal of the damage immediately, by phone and by mail.
Request an immediate, joint inspection of the damage with the carrier and the
• Notify the Trane sales representative and arrange for repair. Do not repair the unit,
however, until damage is inspected by the carrier’s representative.
Loose Parts Inventory
Check all the accessories and loose parts which are shipped with the unit against the
shipping list. Included in these items will be water vessel drain plugs, rigging and
electrical diagrams, and service literature, which are placed inside the control panel
and/or starter panel for shipment.
Unit Description
The 140 - 500 ton Model RTAC units are helical-rotary type, air-cooled liquid chillers
designed for installation outdoors. The compressor circuits are completely assem
bled, hermetic packages that are factory-piped, wired, leak-tested, dehydrated, and
tested for proper control operation before shipment.
NOTE: Packaged units are factory charged with refrigerant and oil.
Figure 2 shows a typical RTAC packaged unit and its components.
Table 1 through Table 5 contain general RTAC mechanical specifications for all unit