Installation - Electrical
Table 24 LonTalk Points List
LonTalk Communications Interface
Inputs Variable type SNVT_Type
Chiller Enable/Disable binary start(1)/stop(0) SNVT_switch
Chilled Water Setpoint analog temperature SNVT_temp_p
Current Limit Setpoint analog % current SNVT_lev_percent
Chiller Mode Note 1 SNVT_hvac_mode
Outputs Variable type SNVT_Type
Outputs Variable type SNVT_Type
Chiller On/Off binary on(1)/off(0) SNVT_switch
Active Chilled Water Setpoint analog temperature SNVT_temp_p
Percent RLA analog % current SNVT_lev_percent
Active Current Limit Setpoint analog % current SNVT_lev_percent
Leaving Chilled Water Temperature analog temperature SNVT_temp_p
Entering Chilled Water Temperature analog temperature SNVT_temp_p
Entering Condenser Water Temperature analog temperature SNVT_temp_p
Leaving Condenser Water Temperature analog temperature SNVT_temp_p
Alarm Description Note 2 SNVT_str_asc
Chiller Status Note 3 SNVT_chlr_status
Note 1: Chiller Mode is used to place the chiller into an alternate mode; Cool or Ice Build
Note 2: Alarm Description denotes alarm severity and target.
Severity: no alarm, warning, normal shutdown, immediate shutdown
Target: Chiller, Platform, Ice Building (Chiller is refrigerant circuit and Platform is control circuit)
Note 3: Chiller Status describes Chiller Run Mode and Chiller Operating Mode.
Run Modes: Off, Starting, Running, Shutting Down
Operating Modes: Cool, Ice Build
States: Alarm, Run Enabled, Local Control, Limited, CHW Flow, Cond Flow