Data—Hot Water
Coil (I-P)
Trane—Fan Size 01,02 (I-P)
Pressure Airflow (Cfm)
Rows Gpm Drop (ft) 215 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 590
0.5 0.22 10.78 11.44 12.24 12.87 13.39 13.82 14.19 14.50 14.73
1-Row 1.0 0.77 13.17 14.14 15.31 16.32 17.18 17.94 18.67 19.32 19.79
Capacity 2.0 2.67 14.66 15.89 17.43 18.77 19.95 21.00 21.96 22.83 23.47
MBH 3.0 5.57 15.24 16.58 18.26 19.74 21.06 22.25 23.34 24.33 25.07
4.0 9.43 15.54 16.94 18.71 20.28 21.67 22.94 24.09 25.16 25.95
5.0 14.22 15.73 17.17 19.00 20.61 22.06 23.37 24.57 25.68 26.51
1.0 1.33 16.03 18.44 21.36 23.77 25.79 27.48 28.92 — —
2-Row 2.0 4.47 17.34 20.24 23.94 27.17 30.02 32.53 34.77 36.78 38.23
Capacity 3.0 9.15 17.80 20.87 24.84 28.39 31.56 34.42 37.00 39.34 41.07
MBH 4.0 15.29 18.03 21.19 25.31 29.01 32.35 35.39 38.16 40.69 42.57
5.0 22.79 18.17 21.39 25.59 29.39 32.84 35.99 38.87 41.52 43.50
Temperature Correction Factors for Water Pressure Drop (Ft)
Average Water Temperature 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110
Correction Factor 0.970 0.985 1.000 1.020 1.030 1.050 1.080 1.100 1.130 1.150
Temperature Correction Factors for Coil Capacity (MBH)
Entering Water Minus Entering Air 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Correction Factor 0.355 0.446 0.537 0.629 0.722 0.814 0.907 1.000 1.093 1.187
Coils - Water Weights
Internal Internal Operating
Unit Fan Coil Volume Volume Weight
Type Size Type (in.
) (gal.) (lbs)
VPWF 01,02 1-Row 32.52 0.141 12.3
VPWF 01,02 2-Row 57.90 0.251 16.8
VPWF 03-07 1-Row 51.21 0.222 14.5
VPWF 03-07 2-Row 89.27 0.386 20.1
MBH x 921.7
2 x MBH
Trane—Fan Size 03-07 (I-P)
Pressure Airflow (Cfm)
Rows Gpm Drop (ft) 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300
1.0 0.37 21.41 24.01 25.79 27.10 28.12 28.94 29.62 — — —
2.0 1.25 25.94 29.73 32.60 35.00 36.95 38.57 39.95 41.16 42.21 43.15
1-Row 3.0 2.59 27.88 32.36 35.83 38.62 40.96 43.00 44.81 46.39 47.79 49.05
Capacity 4.0 4.35 28.95 33.84 37.68 40.81 43.44 45.70 47.68 49.47 51.10 52.57
MBH 5.0 6.52 29.64 34.80 38.89 42.24 45.07 47.52 49.68 51.60 53.34 54.92
6.0 9.07 30.12 35.48 39.74 43.25 46.23 48.82 51.11 53.15 55.00 56.68
7.0 12.03 30.47 35.97 40.37 44.00 47.10 49.80 52.18 54.32 56.25 58.01
2.0 2.25 36.46 44.95 50.87 55.20 58.55 —————
2-Row 3.0 4.59 38.88 49.06 56.61 62.40 67.02 70.87 74.17 77.08 79.69 —
Capacity 4.0 7.63 40.13 51.27 59.78 66.46 71.92 76.54 80.55 84.13 87.37 —
MBH 5.0 11.33 40.90 52.64 61.77 69.06 75.09 80.24 84.77 88.83 92.54 —
6.0 15.67 41.42 53.57 63.14 70.87 77.31 82.86 87.76 92.18 96.24 —
7.0 20.66 41.80 54.25 64.14 72.19 78.95 84.79 89.98 94.69 99.02 —
1. Fouling Factor = 0.00025
2. The off-coil temperature of the hot water coil on parallel fan-powered units must not exceed 140°F.
3. The following equations may be used in calculating Leaving Air Temperature (LAT) and Water Temperature Difference (WTD)
4. Capacity based on 70°F entering air temperature and 180°F entering water temperature. Refer to correction factors for different
entering conditions.