This Fan-Powered marketing guide is divided into two sections: Fan-Powered
Parallel and Fan-Powered Series. The guide is a performance and feature
comparison of Trane, Titus, Enviro-Tec (ETI), Price, and Nailor.
Along with just comparing the performance the guide also shows advantages and
disadvantages of the Trane product vs. the competition’s and explains key selling
features of the product. This is done in the beginning pages of each section titled
Product Features. This Product Features page shows where Trane is advantaged,
equal, and disadvantaged. There are also corresponding page numbers that
indicate where you can find more information regarding the features.
Page # where more supporting
data can be found
Green = Trane is advantaged ..................................................... #
Yellow = Trane is equal .............................................................. #
Red = Trane is disadvantaged .................................................... #