WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaningor servicingthe machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a completestop, disconnect spark plug wireand move wireawayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personalinjury or property
4. Thegear oil levelis correct ifthe gear B. ToDrainthe TransmissionGearOil:
oil isapproximately halfwayupthe side of
the maindrive shaft.
5. If the gear oil levelislow. add gearoil
asdescribed next. Ifthe gear gellevelis
okay,securelyreplacethe oil fill plug.
IMPORTANT:Donot operatethe tiller ifthe
gear oil levelis low. Doingso will result i_
severedamageto the transmission com-
Figure5-2: Removeoil fittplug (.4) tocheck
gear oillevel andtoaddgear oil. Remove
fourcoverscrews(B)todraingear oil.
6. If adding onlya few ouncesof gear oil.
useAPI ratedGL-4or GL-5gearoil having
a wscosEtyof SAE140. SAE85W-140 or
SAE80W-90. If refilling an empty trans-
mission, useonly GL-4gear oil havinga
viscosity of SAE85W-140 or SAE140.
IMPORTANT:Do not useautomatic trans-
mission fluid or motor oil in the transmis-
7. While checkingfrequently to avoid
overfilling, slowly add gear oil into the oil
fill holeuntil it reachesthehalfwaypointon
thedrive shaft.
8. Securely replacethe oil fill plug.
Thetransmission gear oil doesnotneedto Thebole tines will wearwith useand
bechangedunless it hasbeencontaminat- should be inspectedat the beginning of
ed with dirt sand or metal particles, eachtilling seasonand after every30 oper-
1. Draingasolinefrom the fuel tank or run ating hours. Thetines can be replacedel-
theengine untilthe fuel tank is empty.See ther individually or as acomplete set. See
'DANGER"statement below.
WARNING: Gasolineis
highlyflammableandits vapors
are explosive. Followthese
safety practicesto prevent
personalinjury or proper_y
damagefrom fire or explosion.
• Allowthe engineandmufflerto coolfor
at least twominutesbeforedrainingthe
tiger's gasolinetank.
• Do not allow open flames, sparks,
matchesor smokinginthe area.
• Wipe awayspills and pushtiller away
• Use only an approvedfuel container
the Parts Lisl pagesfor tine identification
and part numbers,
A. Tine Inspection:
With use the tines will becomeshorter.
narrower and pointed. Badlyworn tines
will result in a loss of tilling depth, and re-
ducedeffectivenesswhen chopping up
andturning under organic matter.
B. Removin_nstalling a SingleTine:
1. With the engineshut off andthe spark
plug wire disconnected, removethe two
screws IA,Figure5-3), Iockwahers(Eband
nuts (B) that attacha singletine to a tine
holder. If needed,use penetratingoil on
the nuts.
andstoreitsafelyoutofthereachofchil- 2. Wheninstalling asingletine. besureto
• Donotstore gasolineinanareawhere
its vaporscouldreach an openflame or
spark, or where ignition sources are
present (such as hot water and space
heaters, furnaces, clothes dryers,
2. Drainthe oil from the engine.
3. Removefour screws(B,Figure5-2)and
4. Removethe left-side wheel.
5. Tilt the left-side wheelshaft into a drain
panand allowthe gearoil to drainthrough
the top of thetransmission.
6. Reinstallthe wheel.
7. Install a new gasket(do not reuseold
gasket and reinstallthe transmission cov-
position it so that its cutting edge (sharp)
will enter thesoil first as the riflermoves
C. Removin_nstalling a TineAssembly:
1. A tine assemblyconsists of eighttines
mounted on atine ilolder.
2. If removing bothtine assemblies mark
them "left" and "right" beforeremoval.
Removethe screw (C, Figure5-3), lock
washer (E_and Iocknut [D that securethe
tineassembly tothe tine shaft. If neces-
sary,usea rubber malletto tapthe tineas-
sembly outward off the shaft.
3. Beforereinstalling thetine assembly,in-
spectthetineshaftfor rust, roughspots or
burrs. Lightlyfile or sand.as needed. Ap-
ply a thin coat of greaseto the shaft.
4. Install eachtineassembly so that the
cutting (sharp) edgeof the tines will enter
8. Refillthetransmission usingGL-4 gear thesoil first whenthetiller movesforward.
ozltSAE85W-140 or SAE140). Securethe tine assemblyto the tineshaft
9. Refillthe engine with motor oiland re- using thescrew and Iocknut
plenishthe fuel tank with gasoline.