WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaningor servicingthe machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a completestop, disconnect spark plug wireand move wireawayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personalinjury or property
If the ForwardClutch Bail doesnot func-
tion properly,first checkthat theforward
drive belt isadjusted properly (seeCheck-
ing andAdjusting ForwardDrive Belt Ten-
sion). If this fails to correct the problem,
contact Troy-Bilt LLCor your authorized
dealerfor serviceadvice.
(Models 634F/634B only)
It is important to maintain correct tension
on the reversedrive belt. A loosebeltwill
causethetines andwheelsto slow down-
or stop completely - eventhough the en-
gine is running atfull speed.
beltfor cracks, cuts or frayed edgesand
replaceit as soonas possible.
• Checkbelttension after thefirst two
hoursof break-inoperationand after every
10 operating hours.
ToCheckReverseBelt Tension:
1. Stopengine, wait for all parts to stop
moving anddisconnect spark plug wire.
2. Removescrew in plasticbelt coverand
slide beltcover (which is attachedto for-
ward clutch cable)out of the way.
3. Havean assistant pull the Reverse
Clutch Control knoball theway out and
hold it inthat position. Measurethe length
of the cablewire betweenthe end of the
theend of theZ-fitting (B) to which the ca-
ble wire is attached.
4. Thebelttension isidealifthe cablewire
lengthmeasuresbetween1/8"to 1/4". If it
is lessthan 1/8"(and if thereisno reverse
actionwhenthetiller isrunning),then make
thefollowing adjustments
NOTE:Ifthe lengthis morethan 1/4",noad-
justment isneeded--as long asthereverse
actionfunctions properly.
5. Releasethe ReverseClutch Control
knob.and then unthreadthe inner jam nut
(C, Figure5-6) oneto two turns. Pull the
threadedcableadjuster (A, Figure5-6) to
the left untilthe innerjam nut (C)touches
the bracket.
6. Preventtheinnerjam nut(C)fromturn-
ing and tighten the outer jam nut (D)
againstthe bracket. Preventthe outerjam
nut (D) from turning and tighten the inner
jam nut (C) againstthe bracket.
7. Measurethe gap by repeatingStep3.
Readjustas neededby repeatingSteps 5
and 6.
8. Reinstallthe belt cover.
Figure5-5: Measurecablewirelengthto
Figure5-6: Movethreadedadjuster(,4)toleft
ReplacementBelt Information
If the drive belt needsto be replaced,see
your localauthorized dealeror referto the
Parts List for ordering information. Use
only a factory-authorized belt asan "over-
the-counter" belt may not perform satis-
factorily. The procedurerequiresaverage
mechanicalability andcommonly available
Keepingthe enginecleanwill helpto en-
suresmooth operationand prevent dam-
agefrom overheating. Referto theEngine
Owner'sManualfor engine cleaningser-
vice intervals and instructions. Besure
thatthe muffler iscool beforeservicingthe
Theair cleanerfilters dirt and dust out of
theair before it entersthe carburetor. Op-
eratingthe enginewith adirty, cloggedair
filter can causepoor performanceand
damageto the engine. Neveroperatethe
enginewithout theair cleanerinstalled. In-
spectand servicethe air cleanermore of-
ten if operating in very dusty or dirty
conditions. Referto the engine Owner's
Manualfor air cleanerserviceintervalsand
Checkthe engineoil levelbeforeeachuse
andafter everyfive hours of continuous
operation. Running theengine when it is
low on oil will quickly ruin the engine.
It is recommendedthat youchangethe
motor oil after every 10hours of operation
and evensoonerwhen operating in ex-
tremelydirty or dusty conditions. Referto
the EngineOwner'sManualfor detailed
service instructions.
A. ToChecktheEngine0il Level:
1. Parkthe tiller on a levelareaand shut
off the engine.
2. Levelthe engine (usethe DepthRegu-
lator Leverto adjust the engineangle).