Section3: FeaturesandControls
4. FORWHEELDRIVEmode (Figure3-2):
Slidethe wheeloutward and align the
holesin the wheel hub (D, Figure3-2))
and the wheelshaft (B). Insertthe wheel
drive pin(A) through the wheelhub and
the wheelshaft. Securethe wheeldrive
pinwith the hairpin cotter (C) by pushing
the hairpin cotter in as far as it will go.
Repeatfor the other wheeland then
removethe support from beneaththe
5. FORFREEWHEELmode (Figure3-3):
Slidethe wheelinward and insert the
wheeldrive pin(A, Figure3-3) only
through the hole in the wheel shaft (B).
Securethewheel drive pin with the
hairpin cotter (C)by pushingthe hairpin
cotter in asfar asit will go. Repeatfor the
otherwheeland then remove the support
from beneaththe transmission.
Figure3-2: WHEELDRIVEposition,
Figure3-3: FREEWHEELposition.
Forward Clutch Bail
TheForward ClutchBail (E, Figure3-4)
controls theengagement offorward drive
to the wheelsand powerto the tines.
NOTE: Thewheelswill rotate in a forward
direction; the tines will rotatecounter-
clockwise(backwardtoward the operator).
To OperatetheForwardClutchBail:
1. Putthe wheels in theWHEELDRIVE
position (seethe following "WARNING"
2. Lift and hold the bail againstthe
handlebar. Thewheels and tines will
rotate- and the tiller will move in a
forward direction.
3. Releasethe bail to disengage(stop)
thewheelsandtines. Forwardtiller motion
will stop (theengine will continue to run).
Before starting the engine, be
sure that both wheels are in
the WHEEL DRIVE position.
See "Wheel Drive Pins" for
Engaging the Forward Clutch
Bail or the Reverse Clutch
Control when the wheels are
not in the WHEEL DRIVE
position could allow the tines
to rapidly propel the tiller
forward or backward.
Failure to comply could cause
loss of tiller control, property
damage, or personal injury.
The ReverseClutchControl (F, Figure3-4)
controls the engagementof reversedrive
to thewheels and tines. This powered
reversing feature is usedfor maneuvering
the tiller only - neverengagethetines in
the ground while going in the reverse
To OperatetheReverseClutchControl:
1. Operateonlywhen the wheelsare in
the WHEELDRIVEposition(seethe
"WARNING"statementat the left).
2. Stopall tiller motion by releasingthe
Forward ClutchBail.
3. Lift up the handlebaruntil the tines
clearthe ground, look behindyou to avoid
any obstacles,and then pullthe reverse
clutch control knobtoward you. The
wheels will rotate in a reversedirection.
4. Releasethe reverseclutch control
knobto disengage(stop) the wheels and
tines. All reversemotion will stop (the
enginewill continue to run).
• Use extreme cautionwhen
reversing or pulling the
machine towards you. Look
behind to avoid obstacles.
• Never attempt to till in
Failure to follow this warning
could result in personal injury
or propertydamage.