Section4: Operation
Do not push down on the
handlebars to try to make the
tiller till more deeply. This
prevents the wheels from
holding the tiller back and can
allow the tines to rapidly
propel the tiller backward
toward the operator, which
could result in loss of control,
property damage, or personal
Letthetiller moveat its own paceand do
not push down on the handlebarsto try to
dig deeper-this takesweight off the
wheels,cuts traction, and causesthetines
to try and propel the tiller.
5. Forreverse motion of thewheels and
(a) Look behindand exercisecaution
when operating in reverse. Do not
till while in reverse.
(b) Stop all forward motion before
reversing. Lift the handlebarswith
one hand until the tines are off the
ground and then pull the Reverse
ClutchControl knob out to engage
reverse motion (seeFigure4-3). To
stop reversemotion, let go of the
ReverseClutch Control knob.
6. To Turn theTiller Around:
(a) Practiceturning the tiller in a level,
open area. Bevery careful to keep
your feetand legsawayfrom the
(b) To makea turn, liftthe handlebars
until theengine andtines are
balancedoverthe wheels (Figure
4-4). Thetines must be out of the
ground while turning the tiller.
(c) With thetiller balanced,push
sideways on the handlebarto move
the tiller in the direction of the turn
(Figure4-5). After completing the
turn, slowly lower the tines into the
soil to resumetilling.
Figure4-3: Raise tinesoft groundand look
behind whenmovingin reverse.
Before tilling, contact your
telephone or utilities company
and inquire if underground
equipment or lines are used in
your area. Their representa-
tive will be glad to answer
your questions and tell you if
any of their equipment or lines
are buried underground on
Turningthe TillerAround
Figure4-4: Tobeginturn,lift handlebars
Figure4-5: Withtiller balancedover
wheels(and tinesoutof theground),push
StoppingtheTiller andEngine
1. To stop the wheels and tines, release
the ForwardClutch Bail or the Reverse
ClutchControl- whichever is engaged.
2. To stop theengine, movethe throttle
control leveron eng!neto "0FFIIor
"STOP" position.