Unibrain Fire-i 580/780/785/980 Operation Manual Page 10
2.1.2. Fire-i 780b Specification
Image Sensor Type 2/3-inch Interline CCD (ICX285AL)
Effective pixels 1,450,000 pixels 1388(H) x 1040(V)
Picture Size 1388x1040,1280x960,1024x768, 800x600, 640x480
Cell Size(um) 6.45x6.45
Real Frame Rate
30, 15, 7.5, 3.75, 1.875
30 (1388x1040, Format 7 mode 0, mono 8)
26.5 (1388x1040, Format 7 mode 0, mono 16)
55 (688x516, Format 7 mode 1 2x2 binning, mono 8)
50 (688x516, Format 7 mode 1 2x2 binning, mono 16)
Lens Mount C Mount
Scanning System Progressive System
Binning 2x2, 1x2
Edge Rising Edge or Falling Edge
Mode 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15
Source External Trigger or Software Trigger
Strobe Active High, Support Normal Mode or Trigger Mode
Multi-camera auto sync -144 us ~ +144 us at 30,15,7.5 frame rate
Memory Save/Load 16 Channels (0:factory, 1~4:feature, 5~15:mode/feature)
One-shot/Multi-shot 65535 Shots
Control Functions Brightness, Sharpness, Gamma, Auto-Exposure, Auto-Shutter, Pan/Tilt
SIO(RS-232) IIDC v1.32 version : Pass through or custom command
Digital Interface / Transfer Rate IEEE1394B 2 port(9pin) / 800Mbps
Gain 0 ~ 18 dB Manual or Auto
Shutter Speed 1 usec ~ 3600 sec
Data Depth 12 bit B/W
S/N Ratio 56dB or better
Supply Voltage & Power 8 VDC ~ 30 VDC
External Dimension / Weight 50(W) x 50(H) x 40(D) mm/ Approx. 150g
Operation Temp. -5°C to 45°C
Storage Temp -20°C to 65°C
Camera Specification IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Specification v1.32