=> ACK or NAK
ESC v - Get Terminal ID and version no
=> STX ESC V <devtable> CS1 CS2 ADDR
<= STX ESC V <terminal_id and ver> CS1 CS2 ETX
=> ACK or NAK
ESC X - Start program execution
=> STX ESC X <filename> CS1 CS2 ADDR
<= STX ESC X <RetCode> CS1 CS2 ETX
where <RetCode>:
00 if successfully started
01 file does not exist
=> ACK or NAK
Where the <filename> should contain the name of file only
but without file extension name “.EXE”.
For example: A executable program named ? RV30.EXE”
Command : STX ESC X DRV30 CS1 CS2 ADDR
ESC X - Start program execution on ROM
=> STX ESC X <filename>/ROM CS1 CS2 ADDR
<= STX ESC X <RetCode>/ROM CS1 CS2 ETX
where <RetCode>:
00 if successfully started
01 file does not exist
=> ACK or NAK
Where the <filename> should contain the name of file only
but without file extension name “.EXE”.
For example: A executable program named ? RV30.EXE”
Command : STX ESC X DRV30 CS1 CS2 ADDR
4.5. ESC Commands Added for MV1100 Fingerprint Module .
ESC $D Get Template List
A list of all stored templates on the MV1100 is updated to the MR350
MKII reserved file $FP.LST. The items in $FP.LST have the format