
5.1.1. Programming by JobGen PRO
The JOB GENerator PROfessional (JobGenPRO) is an MS-DOS based software
for developing applications for MR350MKII. With JobGenPRO, application
developers may create an application program easily by defining the transactions,
attributes of data fields and operation flow without writing program code. An
executable program generated by JobGenPRO can be downloaded and run on the
MR350 MKII then.
A JobGenPRO application consists of three files with same filename and different
file extension:
.CFG Configuration of environment, communication and I/O interfaces of
.JB2 Definition of transactions, data fields and operation flow.
.EXE Execution program generated by JobGenPRO after linked a defined
The main features of JobGenPRO are listed below:
? Interactive user interface with pop-up windows.
? Define system configuration of the MR350 MKII.
? Define data fields and process flow.
? Download a JobgenPRO application to the MR350 MKII with lookup data
? Upload the collected data files from MR350 MKII to PC.
? Print specification of a JobgenPRO application for documentation.
? Application simulation on PC.
5.1.2. Programming by C/C++
The Unique advantage of MR350MKII is to give application programmer the power
of the industry standard personal computer. Programmers develop MR350MKII
applications by using standard C language and off-the-shelf Microsoft C / Borland C
compiler on personal computers. The complied executable code is then download to
MR350MKII through RS-232 / RS-485 link using Multipoint download.
Borland/Microsoft C/C++ compiler supports a superset of standard C programming
language. MR350MKII provides the standard ANSI C functionality. As a result,
some Microsoft extensions or DOS specific functions are not supported. For detail
standard C function that are supported by MR350MKII firmware, please refer to
Appendix A.
Unitech also provide a utility C (485LIB.C) library for user to develop their
application program. The 350LIB.C incorporates a rich set of libraries to interface