2 Casing, System Boards and Video
Video Options
Video Options
With models 520 and 525 there are three video options:
• Video controller and video memory on the system board.
• Video controller and video memory on a video card.
• Video controller on the system board and video memory that is shared
main memory.
Video Controller and Video Memory on the System Board
This option is the same as the video option in the Q1 1996 collection
(models 510 and 515). That is, 1 MB of video memory as standard on the
system board which can be upgraded to 2 MB by installing two memory
chips of 512 KB each.
The following video resolutions are typically available.
Resolution Number of colors Refresh Rate (Hz) Memory
640 x 480 16 60 1 MB
640 x 480 256, 64K 60, 72, 75
800 x 600 256, 64K 56, 60, 72, 75
1024 x 768 256 i43
60, 70, 75
640 x 480 16 60 2 MB
640 x 480 256, 64K, 16M 60, 72, 75
800 x 600 256, 64K, 16M 56, 60, 72, 75
1024 x 768 256, 64K i43
, 60, 70, 75
1280 x 1024 256 i45
, 60, 72, 75