
3 Multimedia and Communications
Aztech AT3300 Connections
Waveblaster Connector
The audio fax/data modem has an on-card connector for the MIDI
synthesizer called Wave Blaster. This daughtercard module is capable of
producing extremely high-fidelity stereo music for computer audio systems.
CD Audio Connectors
There are two CD Audio Connectors, one labeled “CDAUDIO 1” and one
labeled “CDAUDIO 2”. These connectors allow the audio fax/data modem to
be connected to the CD-ROM drive via the audio cable. Either connector can
be used. If one connector is already selected for the CD Audio, the second
connector can be used to connect an external sound device.
TV Audio Connector
The TV Audio Connector allows an internal TV audio input from an optional
internal TV card to be connected.
Radio Connector
The Radio Connector allows an internal audio input from an optional
internal radio card to be connected.
JX Connector
This connector determines the microphone type. It is preconfigured and
should not be modified.
MIC Connector
The Microphone Connector is a 3-pin connector that accepts microphone
input. It has the same functions as the external microphone connector
(refer to “Connecting Audio Devices to the Rear Panel” on page 17).
However, only one connector can be selected. If the external microphone is
used, for example, the internal connector is disabled.
LOUT Connector
The LOUT Connector has the same function as the external line out
connector (refer to “Connecting Audio Devices to the Rear Panel” on page
17). However, only one connector can be selected. If the external line out is
used, for example, the internal connector is disabled.