Operating Manual
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Using IF SHIFT and WIDTH Together
The IF SHIFT and Variable IF WIDTH features together form a very effective
interference-fighting filtering system.
For example, in Figure “A”, you can see how interference has appeared both on the
high and low sides of the desired signal. Press the [WIDTH] button then rotate the
[SELECT(WIDTH)] knob, the interference from one side can be eliminated (Figure “B”).
Next, press the [SHIFT] button and rotate the [SELECT(SHIFT)] knob to
re-positioning the passband (Figure (C)), the interference on the opposite side can be
removed, without re-introducing the interference previously eliminated in Figure “B”.
Advice: For best interference reduction, the WIDTH and SHIFT features are the
primary tools you should use. After narrowing the bandwidth (WIDTH) and/or
adjusting the center of the passband (SHIFT), the Contour control may also yield
additional signal-enhancement benefits on the net residual bandwidth. What’s more,
the IF NOTCH Filter (described later) may also be utilized, in conjunction with the
three other filter systems, to significant advantage.
NARROW (NAR) One-Touch IF Filter Selection
Pressing the [NAR] button provides one-touch, mode-specific selection of a narrow IF
DSP filter setting that does not depend on the setting of the [WIDTH] knob. Pressing
the [NAR] button once more returns the bandwidth control to the WITDH/SHIFT
system. The factory default bandwidths are:
[NAR] Switch
Operating Mode
“ON” “OFF”
SSB 200 Hz ~ 1.8 kHz* (1.8 kHz)
1.8 ~ 3.0 kHz* (2.4 kHz)
CW 100 ~ 500 Hz* (500 Hz) 500 Hz ~ 2.4 kHz* (2.4 kHz)
RTTY/PKT-L/PKT-U 100 ~ 500 Hz* (300 Hz) 500 Hz ~ 2.4 kHz* (500 Hz)
PKT-FM 9 kHz 16 kHz
AM 6 kHz 9 kHz
FM (28/50 MHz Bands) 9 kHz 16 kHz
*: Depends on the [WIDTH] knob
(): Default Bandwidth
When the narrow bandwidth is selected, the “NAR” icon will appear in the display.
Even if the [NAR] button has been pressed so as to engage the narrow filter, you
may adjust the IF bandwidth by rotating the [SELECT(WIDTH)] knob (requires