
Operating Manual
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Using CW Reverse
If you experience a difficult interference situation, where an interfering station cannot
readily be eliminated, you may wish to try receiving using the opposite sideband. This
may throw the interfering station’s frequency in a direction that may lend itself more
readily to rejection.
1. To start, let’s use a typical example where you have set the CW mode (using the
default “USB” injection).
2. Now be sure your mode selection is still set for the VFO-A, and press the [CW]
mode button once more. The “CW” and “LSB” icons will appear in the display,
indicating that the “LSB” injection side has now been selected.
3. Press the [CW] mode button once more to return to the normal (USB) injection
side and cancel CW Reverse operation (the “CW” and “USB” icons will appear in
the display).
In the illustration, Figure A demonstrates the normal CW injection setup, using the
USB side. In Figure B, CW Reverse has been engaged, so as to receive using LSB-side
injection to eliminate interference.
The beneficial effect of switching sidebands can clearly be seen in this example.
When CW Reverse is engaged, the Tuning Offset Indicator action will concurrently
be reversed as to its indication.
When the incoming signal pitch tone is properly aligned, the central red marker
lights up whether or not CW Reverse is engaged.
CW Delay Time Setting
During semi-break-in (not QSK) operation, the hang time of the transmitter, after you
have finished sending, may be adjusted to a comfortable value consistent with your
sending speed. This is the functional equivalent to the “VOX Delay” adjustment used
on voice modes, and the delay may be varied anywhere between 30 msec and 3 seconds
via the Menu item “044 A1A DELAY”.
1. Press the [BK-IN] button to enable CW transmission (Menu item “043 A1A BK-IN”
must be set to “SEni”).
2. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode.