15.1. Control I/O Terminal Connections
15.1.1. Remote volumes 1, 2
Volume of the input or output channels can be remotely adjusted. (The REMT VOL 1 terminal is factory-preset
to output 1, and the REMT VOL 2 to output 2.)
Connect a 10 kΩ (linear taper) variable resistor as shown below or input the DC voltage of 0 to +10 V.
The larger the variable resistor resistance, the larger the volume, and the smaller its resistance, the smaller
the volume.
15.1.2. Control inputs 1 – 4
Connect switch contacts, etc. to these terminals.
Open voltage is 3.3 V, and the short-circuit current is 1 mA or less.
15.1.3. Control outputs 1 – 4
Use these terminals to activate LEDs, relays, and other external equipment.
Maximum operating current is 50 mA, and the maximum applicable voltage is +27 V.
Max. 27 V DC
LEDs, Relays, etc. (Max. 50 mA)
Open collectors, etc.
(Open voltage: 3.3 V, Max. 1 mA)