5 Select a default automation level for DRS.
Initial Placement Migration
Recommended host(s) is
Migration recommendation is displayed.
Partially Automated Automatic placement. Migration recommendation is displayed.
Fully Automated Automatic placement. Migration recommendation is executed automatically.
6 Set the migration threshold for DRS.
7 Click Next.
8 Specify the default power management setting for the cluster.
If you enable power management, select a DPM threshold setting.
9 Click Next.
10 If appropriate, enable Enhanced VMotion Compatibility (EVC) and select the mode it should operate in.
11 Click Next.
12 Select a location for the swapfiles of your virtual machines.
You can either store a swapfile in the same directory as the virtual machine itself, or a datastore specified
by the host (host-local swap)
13 Click Next.
14 Review the summary page that lists the options you selected.
15 Click Finish to complete cluster creation, or click Back to go back and make modifications to the cluster
A new cluster does not include any hosts or virtual machines.
To add hosts and virtual machines to the cluster see “Adding Hosts to a Cluster,” on page 53 and “Removing
Virtual Machines from a Cluster,” on page 56.
Set a Custom Automation Level for a Virtual Machine
After you create a DRS cluster, you can customize the automation level for individual virtual machines to
override the cluster’s default automation level.
1 Select the cluster in the vSphere Client inventory.
2 Right-click and select Edit Settings.
3 In the Cluster Settings dialog box, under VMware DRS select Virtual Machine Options.
4 Select the Enable individual virtual machine automation levels check box.
5 Select an individual virtual machine, or select multiple virtual machines.
6 Right-click and select an automation mode.
7 Click OK.
NOTE Other VMware products or features, such as VMware vApp and VMware Fault Tolerance, might
override the automation levels of virtual machines in a DRS cluster. Refer to the product-specific
documentation for details.
Chapter 5 Creating a DRS Cluster
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