Table A-6. Memory Panel Statistics (Continued)
Field Description
SWTGT (MB) Target where the ESX/ESXi host expects the swap usage by the resource pool or virtual machine
to be.
SWR/s (MB) Rate at which the ESX/ESXi host swaps in memory from disk for the resource pool or virtual
SWW/s (MB) Rate at which the ESX/ESXi host swaps resource pool or virtual machine memory to disk.
CPTRD (MB) Amount of data read from checkpoint file.
CPTTGT (MB) Size of checkpoint file.
ZERO (MB) Resource pool or virtual machine physical pages that are zeroed.
SHRD (MB) Resource pool or virtual machine physical pages that are shared.
SHRDSVD (MB) Machine pages that are saved because of resource pool or virtual machine shared pages.
OVHD (MB) Current space overhead for resource pool.
OVHDMAX (MB) Maximum space overhead that might be incurred by resource pool or virtual machine.
OVHDUW (MB) Current space overhead for a user world. (You might see this statistic displayed, but it is
intended for VMware use only.)
GST_NDx (MB) Guest memory allocated for a resource pool on NUMA node x. This statistic is applicable on
NUMA systems only.
OVD_NDx (MB) VMM overhead memory allocated for a resource pool on NUMA node x. This statistic is
applicable on NUMA systems only.
Table A-7 displays the interactive commands you can use with the memory panel.
Table A-7. Memory Panel Interactive Commands
Command Description
M Sort resource pools or virtual machines by Group Mapped column.
B Sort resource pools or virtual machines by Group Memctl column.
N Sort resource pools or virtual machines by GID column. This is the default sort order.
V Display virtual machine instances only.
L Changes the displayed length of the NAME column.
Storage Adapter Panel
Statistics in the Storage Adapter panel are aggregated per storage adapter by default. Statistics can also be
viewed per storage channel, target, or LUN.
The Storage Adapter panel displays the information shown in Table A-8.
Table A-8. Storage Adapter Panel Statistics
Column Description
ADAPTR Name of the storage adapter.
CID Storage adapter channel ID. This ID is visible only if the corresponding adapter is expanded. See the
interactive command e below.
TID Storage adapter channel target ID. This ID is visible only if the corresponding adapter and channel are
expanded. See the interactive commands e and a below.
LID Storage adapter channel target LUN ID. This ID is visible only if the corresponding adapter, channel
and target are expanded. See the interactive commands e, a, and t below.
NCHNS Number of channels.
Appendix A Performance Monitoring Utilities: resxtop and esxtop
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