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- 146 - Handsfree module
Editing and updating a phone book
The phone book cannot be edited in the hands-free module. If you want
to change or delete an entry in the phone book, you must make the
changes on your mobile phone and then update the phone book on the
hands-free module. The phone book is re-imported for the update.
1. In the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window activate the mobile phone
whose phone book you want to update (see "Activating a mobile
phone" on page 144).
2. Tap in the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window on the Phone book button.
The phone book of the active phone is opened.
3. Tap on Options > Refresh.
The phone book import is started.
Note: Deleting the complete phone book is possible only by deleting the
mobile phone from the TRUSTED DEVICES list (refer to "Deleting devices"
on page 145). In this case the connection data, phone book and recent
calls will all be deleted, which means that you will have to repeat the
pairing routine in order to set up a connection with the device again.
For more details about the phone book refer to the chapter "Calling a
contact from the phone book" on page 149.
13.1.7 Importing recent calls
For each paired mobile phone in the TRUSTED DEVICES list it is also
possible to import its recent calls and save them together with the
connection data.
Access to the recent calls of a mobile phone is then only possible when
the navigation device is connected to the mobile phone from which the
phone book was imported. As soon as you connect to a different phone
or disconnect the connection, the recent calls will no longer be available
on the hands-free module.
Note: The number of recent calls that can be imported from the mobile
phone is limited to 20.
1. In the HANDSFREE MODULE window activate the mobile phone
whose recent calls you want to import (see "Activating a mobile
phone" on page 144).
2. Tap in the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window on the Recent calls button.
The recent calls import is started. When the import is completed,
the recent calls are shown.