User’s manual maps + more
Navigation - 49 -
The Multi-Stop route considers charging stations along the route and
includes essential charging stops in the route calculation if the
destination is not within range. Consideration is given to all private
charging stations (Favourites) as well as to the public charging stations
recorded in the map. For more details refer to the chapter "Multi-Stop
route" on page 99.
Note: Traffic information (TMC) is then available to a limited extent
No GPS reception
If GPS signal reception is not good enough, the following message will
appear: "Waiting for GPS-Signal…"
You have the following options:
► Wait. As soon as GPS reception is good enough for determining
your position, the route will be recalculated and navigation will
► Tap on Cancel. The window in which you entered your destination
will open again. Your destination is saved in the LAST DESTINATIONS
► Tap on Demo. The route will be calculated using the centre of the
destination location as starting point. Navigation will then be
simulated on this route.
Tap on (Back) in order to close the demonstration.
Note: If you selected the destination on the map, then the Demo button
is not available.
7.3 Managing destinations
Every destination you enter and destinations from the LAST
and IMPORTED ADDRESSES lists can be saved in the
AVOURITES list. This makes sense if you frequently navigate to this
particular destination.
Note: Favourites are indicated on the map by a small flag with their
7.3.1 Saving destinations
1. Enter a destination (see "Entering a destination address " on
page 36 or "Points of interest" on page 39). Do not tap on the Start
navigation button!