
2000 Volvo S & V70
The reason why FM but not AM is audible in covered parking areas, under bridges, etc, is that FM
signals reflect against solid objects such as buildings. Because these waves are very reflective, static can
result. This static is the result of the reflected signal and the direct signal reaching your antenna at
slightly different times causing a cancellation of all signals. This problem occurs largely in built-up
areas. Your car is equipped with a dual antenna system which helps alleviate this problem.
pg. 196 Audio systems, general information
Cross modulation
If you listen to a weak station in the vicinity of a stronger one, both stations may be received
simultaneously. If the car is moved a short distance, the weaker signal may be heard more clearly.
file:///K|/ownersdocs/2000/2000_SV70/00sv70_10d.htm (3 of 6)12/30/2006 3:43:56 PM