
2000 Volvo S & V70
Child Restraint Anchorages
Volvo cars can or are fitted with Child Restraint Top Tether Anchorages in the rear seat.
Sedans: There are three predrilled anchorage points under the rear window shelf which are not visible
from the passenger compartment. Wagons: The anchorage points are on the rear seat backrest and are
hidden by plastic covers. The backrest must be folded down to access the center anchorage point.
A 10 mm spacer, B anchorage plate, C 5/16" UNC bolt
Installing the top tether
Sedans: The predrilled holes for the child restraint anchorages are underneath the rear window shelf and
can be accessed from the trunk or by lowering the rear seat backrests. Wagons: Remove the plastic
cover from the anchorage point you intend to use.
On either model, refer to the child seat manufacturer's instructions for securing the seat.
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