Document Conventions
2 Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
Document Conventions
Firebox SSL VPN Gateway documentation uses the following typographic conventions for menus, com-
mands, keyboard keys, and items in the program interface:
LiveSecurity Service Solutions
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to increase. We know that a firewall is only the first component in a full security solution. The Watch-
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Convention Meaning
Boldface Commands, names of interface items such as text boxes, option buttons, and user
Italics Placeholders for information or parameters that you provide. For example, filename in
a procedure means you type the actual name of a file. Italics also are used for new
terms and the titles of books.
%SystemRoot% The Windows system directory, which can be WTSRV, WINNT, WINDOWS, or other
name you specify when you install Windows.
Text displayed in a text file.
{ braces } A series of items, one of which is required in command statements. For example, { yes |
no } means you must type yes or no. Do not type the braces themselves.
[ brackets ] Optional items in command statements. For example, [/ping] means that you can type
/ping with the command. Do not type the brackets themselves.
| (vertical bar) A separator between items in braces or brackets in command statements. For example,
{ /hold | /release | /delete } means you type /hold or /release or /delete.
… (ellipsis) You can repeat the previous item or items in command statements. For example, /
route:devicename[,…] means you can type additional devicenames separated by