Viewing and Downloading System Message Logs
138 Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
3Click Logging/Settings.
4Under Gateway Log, click Display Logging Window.
The log for today’s date is displayed.
To display the log for a prior date, select the date in the Log Archive list and click View Log.
5 By default, the log displays all entries. The log can be filtered as described below:
• To filter the log by user or applications, under Log Filter, select Admins, Apps, or Users.
• To filter the log by priority, under Log Filter, select LO, MED, HI, or CRIT.
• The filters that you select are treated as logical ORs. Thus, for each selected filter, all matches for
the filter are displayed.
6 To download a log:
• Select a log in the Log Archive list and next to Selected Log File, click Download. The log
filename defaults to yyyymmdd.log.
• To download all of the logs, next to All Log Files, click Download. The filename defaults to
log_archive_yyyymmdd.tgz. To download logs from the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway, you must have
a data compression utility, such as WinZip, installed on your computer. The logs are downloaded
as .tgz files and that data must be extracted. After the file downloads, it can be unzipped to
access the individual log files.
Forwarding System Messages to a Syslog Server
The Firebox SSL VPN Gateway archives system messages, as described in “Viewing and Downloading
System Message Logs” on page 137. You can also have the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway forward system
messages to a syslog server.
To forward Firebox SSL VPN Gateway system messages to a syslog server
1Click the VPN Gateway Cluster tab and then click the Logging/Settings tab.
2Under Syslog Settings, in Server, type the IP address of the syslog server.
3In Facility, select the syslog facility level.
4In Broadcast Interval (mins), type a broadcast frequency in minutes. If the broadcast frequency is
set to 0, logging is continuous.
5Click Submit.
Viewing the W3C-Formatted Request Log
The Firebox SSL VPN Gateway logs incoming and outgoing HTTP requests in the W3C extended log for-
mat. You can analyze the log by using a conventional log file analysis tool.
The log contains the following fields::
Field Description
date Date of access, specified in GMT and formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
time Time of access, specified in GMT and in 24-hour format, HH:MM:SS.
c-ip Client IP address.
cs-method The client-to-Firebox SSL VPN Gateway request method, either GET or POST.
sc-method The Firebox SSL VPN Gateway-to-client request method, either GET or POST.