– Here, the timeline is displayed display in Minutes/Seconds. The timeline
will be limited to ten minutes, after which pitch detection will stop.
Samples – This mode shows the timeline in samples. Again, the maximum length is ten
minutes, after which pitch detection will stop.
When Tune reaches the ten minute limit, you will see a message in the Waveform Display
Window, “Outside Session Limits.”
Pitch Editor
Piano Roll
The Piano Roll allows the user to establish his own rules concerning
scales, “legal and Illegal” notes, and the status of each note in a desired
scale. You can play reference notes by pressing the appropriate piano
key or set range boundaries by dragging the edges of the scale to a
desired key.
Tune offers a variety of musical scales as well as the option to create
custom scales, bypass correction for certain notes and exclude certain
notes so that the correction will not tune to those marked noted but to
the next closest note above or below within the scale. All of this is done
in the Piano Roll section.
By default, Tune has a 12 semitone grid. Each semitone quantization is
subject to a tune adjuster (in cents) and a global tune value which
defaults to 440Hz, but can be adjusted to any desired reference pitch.
Tune allows you to select scales with different numbers of notes within
each octave, plus microtonal tunings to accommodate microtonal and
non-Western scales.
The Notes Grid:
The Notes Grid allows dividing octave intervals into a certain number (n) of notes. Scale
Selection choice determines how many notes are available within an octave. By default,
the grid consists of 12 semitones, but many more options are available within the Scale
pop-up menu. Tuning of each scale note is defined in cents, and the user can offset the
tune or temper use the Edit Scale feature of the Piano Roll.
Edit Scale:
The Edit Scale button provides an easy way to view and manipulate notes on the grid.
When Edit Scale is not selected, the view may become too congested to accurately adjust
note-specific parameters. When Edit Scale is selected, the Tune Notes Graph will become
a single octave zoom and allow faster and clearer adjustment of per-note correction