Note Tune:
When the Edit Scale button is on, each of the 12 notes will show its temperament, in
cents. Tune can be adjusted to perfect the notes’ intonation. The adjustment is in cents
but allows inserting sub-decimal fractions, for maximum resolution.
Note Status:
The Note Grid assigns a status to each note in the selected grid. For instance, a major
scale in a 12-note grid will have eight “legal” notes. Special status options help the
automatic process to better aim to the desired target note while keeping the user
informed as to what is happening.
There are five status possibilities:
Legal Note – Correct to this note.
= Illegal Note - Corrects to nearest grid note. This means that the note is illegal and
the output should be tuned to the nearest legal note.
= Illegal Note - Corrects to nearest grid note above this note.
= Illegal Note - Corrects to nearest grid note below this note.
Bypass Note = Legal Note – Bypasses the fix (doesn’t fix the tuning.) Here, when the
input note is detected to be closest to this note, no pitch correction will take place.
However, if the input note is illegal and the legal note is the nearest grid note, then
correction will be applied to that note according to the other correction parameters.
(For instance, if D natural is bypassed and the singer sings a few cents above an illegal
C#, then the C# will be corrected to a D, even though D is bypassed.)
Just to the right of the Piano Roll is the Edit Window area.
Pitch Edit Area
This area offers continuous horizontal and vertical zoom. When Tune processes a
selection for the first time, three graphs appear in the Edit Window:
The Detection Graph (light orange) – The original pitch detection of the input audio.
The Correction Graph (green) – This is a display of the automatic pitch correction as
determined by the current parameters settings in the Segmentation and Correction
The Note Segments – Portions of the pitch graph will be outlined by note segment
blocks which resemble MIDI notes. Selected notes are highlighted in light orange for
clarity. Anytime you edit the correction curve, Tune will automatically re-segment the
notes to accommodate your changes.