-- 3 --
D Useonly recommendedWeedEaterŽparts;
use of any other par ts may void your war-
ranty and cause damage to your unit.
D Empty the fuel tank before storing the unit.
Use u p f uelleft in carburetor by starting the
engine and letting it run until it stops.
D Do not use any accessory or attachment
other than those recommended by the
manufacturer for use with your unit.
D Do notstore the unit orfuel ina closed area
where fuel vapors can reach sparks or an
open flame from hot water heaters, electric
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
D Store in a dry area out of reach of children.
est Land and in some states, including Cali-
fornia(Public Resources Codes 4442 and
4443), I daho,Maine, Minnesota, NewJersey,
Oregon, and Washington: Certain internal
combustion engines operated on forest,
areas are required to be equipped with a
spark arresting screen, maintained in effec-
tive working order, o rthe enginemust becon-
structed, equipped, and maintained for the
prevention o f fi re. Check with yourstate orlo-
cal authorities for regulations pertaining to
these requirements. F ailure to follow these
requirements is aviolationof thelaw. T hisunit
is not factory equipped with a spark arresting
screen; however, a spark arresting screen is
available asan optionalpart. Ifa spark arrest-
ing screen isrequired inyour area,contactan
authorized service dealer for the correct kit.
The spark arresting screen, blower tubes,
and nozzles must be assembled to unit to be
in full compliance with regulations.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Exp osu re to vibra t i o ns
through prolonged use o f gasoline powered
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve
damage in the f ingers, hands, and joints o f peo-
ple prone to circulation disorders or abnormal
swelling. Prolonged use in cold weather has
been linked to blood vessel damage in other-
wise h ealthy people. If symptoms occur such as
numbness, pain,loss of strength, change inskin
color o r t exture, o r loss of feeling in the f ingers,
hands, o r j oints, discontinue t he use of this tool
and seek medical attention. An anti- vibration
system does not guarantee t he avoidance of
theseproblems. Users who operate power tools
on a continual and regular basis must monitor
closely their p hysical condition andthecondition
of this tool.
NOTE:It is nor m alfor th efuel filterto rattlein
the empty fuel tank.
WARNING: If received assembled,
repeat allsteps toensure your unit isproperly
assembled and all fasteners are secure.
Follow all safety information in the manual
and on the unit.
D No tools are required for assembly.
D Pushtheblowertubeinto theblower outlet
until it snaps into place.
Blower Tube
Blower Outlet
UNIT. Compare the illustrations with your unit tofamiliarize yourself with locations of the various
controls and adjustments. S ave this manual for future r eference.
Fuel C ap
Throttle Lever
Blower T ube
Primer Bulb